◦ Roni/Anastasia ◦ 05-30-88 (29) ◦ Midland, TX ◦

Veronica Anne Cameron
Roni, Anastasia
birth date
May 30, 1988
adult actress @ RDE
marital status
slightly complicated
Midland, TX
Napa, CA
Anne Dylan
Freddy Cameron
103 lbs.
dark brown
one brown, one green

Anne Dylan and Freddy Cameron hated each other. It was as simple as that. They grew up together. Anne was the popular cheerleader and Freddy was an outcast. The only reason they ever hung out was because their parents were best friends. They never talked to each other in school, didn't acknowlege each other. When their families would take joint vacations, their hatred for one another seemed to be forgotten. It was during one of these vacations they got too drunk off of a "borrowed" bottle of alcohol. One thing led to another and another led to their clothes thrown about Anne's room in the vacation house. After sobering up, Anne kicked Freddy out and told him if he ever told a soul, she would tell his mother where he kept his porn and pot stash. After that day, Freddy found himself more and more drawn to the girl he had grown to hate. While she continued to ignore him, he kept trying to get her attention. Trying everything he could think of, he gave up and told everyone about their day together. Anne denied it and for a few weeks, everyone believed her.

Two missed periods, Anne went to Freddy crying. She was pregnant. It was no secret that Anne was a bit of a prude and it didn't take long for people to realize Freddy wasn't lying. Anne was shunned by her friends and she blamed Freddy. He didn't make it easy for her and she didn't make it easy for him. She didn't want a baby. She didn't want him.

Anne gave birth to a baby girl. Freddy fell in love with his daughter that day and Anne turned her back. Freddy was left to raise Veronica with the help of his parents and Anne's. Growing up, Veronica was Daddy's little girl. She loved her father and rarely questioned where her mother was. Once or twice a year, Anne would make an appearance and Roni would hide from her. She didn't like the woman and for years, she would never understand why. When Roni was ten, Anne came back for good. She wanted to try to have a relationship with both Freddy and Veronica. Freddy, still a fool in love, welcomed her back. Roni kept her guard up. For a while, it was good. Freddy often traveled for work and before Anne came back, Roni was usually left with her grandparents. With her mother around, she was left with her.

Anne wasn't a faithful woman. She had numerous men over while Freddy was away. Some men would sneak to Veronica's room and try to touch her. Only one man succeeded. When she was fourteen, a man much larger than she was. When Anne went looking for him, instead of going after the man, she went for Roni. Freddy came home late the following Sunday and found Roni hiding in the bathroom, with no sign of Anne. It took weeks for Veronica to tell her father what had happened. When she did, he blamed himself. He never should have trusted Anne. He had Roni start counseling, hoping it would help her. She seemed to get worse and started to pull away from him. Roni knew worse could have happened, but she still couldn't get over it.

Roni finally broke out of her shell, but it wasn't for the better. Her Junior and Senior of high school was spent partying and she barely made the grades to graduate. She enjoyed numbing the pain she felt with alcohol. Her relationship with Freddy wasn't a good one and they often fought. Roni had even gone after him a few times. Scared that his daughter was going to hurt herself, Freddy forced her in to rehab and for a while things got better.

While working at a local coffee shop, Roni made some new friends. A few months later, she was living with a group of them and had completely pushed Freddy out of her life. She had nothing going for her and she continued to lose jobs until she was hired as an exotic dancer. Stripping seemed to be the only job she could hold. It paid the bills and (barely) kept her in a studio apartment nearby. It wasn't a secret that the club she worked at offered a lot more than dances and strip teases. Roni just wasn't sure if she could bring herself to go that far. A few months in to stripping, she was approached by a very well dressed man and was offered the chance to earn even more money. Quitting on the spot, Roni left with the man and was on her way to becoming a porn star in Texas.

In 2008, Roni auditioned for RDE and completely fell in love with the company. They were professional. She was thrilled to be out of the strip club and doing something that actually made her money. She worked her way up and in no time at all, she was one of RDE headliners. It brought new men in to her bed and her in to other beds. Most noteably, Ryan Sullivan, the Reapers president. He invited her to his office one night and even though she knew full well he was off limits, Roni let him talk her in to his bed. It didn't stop at just one night. Within a few weeks, she was staying at his loft and he was spending more time with her than he his family.

Roni knew Sully wasn't only sleeping with her. Other women weren't as private as she was. Roni kept her distance, which led to Sully calling her more, wanting to see her more often. Even with things starting to be less casual, they kept everything behind closed doors. The pair were never seen publicly and neither his family or the club knew. She didn't mind it too much. She wasn't sure if she wanted to be a bigger part of the club. She kept her distance and at night, she had Sully all to herself. His death was heart breaking and Roni took a few weeks to herself before diving back in to work.

Roni didn't find it too easy getting back in to living life. She slipped back in to old ways, drinking and partying too much. She was almost kicked from the roster at the Den, but a good friend and mentor helped her get back on track. She didn't allow herself to get close to anyone again, mainly because there were Reapers all around her and she didn't know if she should keep her past with Sully away from someone she was with. What she was most afraid, came true and after some casual, friendly hook ups, feelings developed for Dillon Dalton, the son of Sully's best friend.

Has one tattoo and doesn't plan on getting anymore.

During her time with Reaper's Den, Roni brought in a lot of money. She is one of the top three girls.

Hasn't talked to her father in years.

Due to her small stature, Roni is often in "teen" films.

Hates anything to do with Twitter, Facebook or any networking site.

Since her mother disappeared when she was fourteen, Anne has reappeared once, admitting she had been involved with a different Reaper charter.

Is the go to girl for Reaper's Den.

Orders pointless things from infomercials.

Has been in numerous relationships, but bails when things get serious.

pb: Mila Kunis ◦ est, third person, storybook, adult or ftb ◦ contact: dropbox©