Clicky Sophia Rose

Sophia Rose Sullivan

Sophia Rose was the last child born to Sully and Carmen. Their family wasn't exactly large, but attention was something all of them wanted. Sully had been striving to build a stronger club and all of his attention was on the Reapers, instead of his family. Being the youngest, Sophia demanded his attention the most and eventually, she learned how to get it. The more she got in trouble, the more her father was involved in her life.

Starting out small, fights on the playground, stealing candy from the local stores, Sophia wasn't even ten and she was constantly in trouble. She hardly ever saw the outside of her bedroom and her mother often took away her toys. Sully was a little more lenient on his daughter. When she was grounded, he would take her to his shop, but she had to stay in his office. It worked out in two ways. It kept Sophia out of trouble and the boys were usually on their best behavior when the youngest Sullivan was around. Being around the shop, Sophia picked up a lot of things. She paid close attention to the comings and goings of the patches and prospects, as well as the customers. She watched as the respect people had for her father grew. He was a hero in her eyes, no matter the dirty dealings he had his hands in. There were times when she wished she was a boy. A girl wouldn't be able to follow in his footsteps and that disappointed her. She didn't really want to be someone's old lady. She saw how her mother waited around for her husband and while the love between her parents was strong, Sophia couldn’t help but want more.

High school flew by and Sophia was still managing to find herself in trouble. She skipped school a lot was when she actually managed to go to school, she was barely making the grades to pass any of her classes. Sophia didn't like being in school, but unlike most kids who felt the same way, she did her best to avoid being there at all. Just before her senior year, Sophia managed to convince her parents to let her take the GED. A few night classes later, she took the tests and passed. Her parents weren't exactly proud, but her attitude improved and she wasn't getting in to as much trouble. Even with her GED, Sophia still didn't have many plans for her future. She had a few jobs at local stores and cafes, but she often got fired for calling in sick too often. Sophia enjoyed partying and her love for the night didn't make a good work ethic. It wasn't until her father hired her as an office assistant that she managed to hold a job. She didn't have to do much. Sophia answered phones and handled the customers while their cars were being worked on. It was an easy job and gave her more of a reason to be around the shop, close to her father.

Shortly after getting her GED, Sophia started seeing a prospect, Theo. It wasn't anything serious, but it was serious enough to have Sophia locking herself in the shop’s bathroom to take a pregnancy test while Theo stood outside. They had stopped sleeping with each other just a week before, but that didn't make a difference. The test was positive. For a month the two fought over what to do. Sophia was scared to tell her parents, but eventually, just before she started showing, Sophia and Theo sat her parents down and told them the news. It wasn't taken lightly. Sophia couldn't remember ever seeing her father turn the shade of red or hear her mother curse so quickly in Spanish. Talk of marriage was thrown around, but Sophia and Theo insisted they weren't right for each other, but would raise the baby together. That wasn't good enough for Sully and Carmen. Sophia was given her grandmother's ring and Carmen set out to make wedding arrangements. The wedding was set for the Spring of 2015.

Her partying days were over and instead of going out with friends, she had been working more. Still living with her parents, Sophia didn't want to rely on them completely when the baby came. Her and Theo moved in to an apartment together. Five months pregnant, the wedding planning was going smoothly. Sophia thought it was all going to work out and they could be happy together with their own family. That was until Theo started coming home drunk every night. He had always been a little handsy, but they more he drank, the angrier he got. After a fight during a club party, the two left in Theo's truck. He refused to give her the keys and Sophia refused to go back in to the clubhouse and let her parents know her life was falling apart. Her older brother Gannon came out as Sophia was getting in to the truck and pulled her away. He wouldn't let her get in and that was when Sophia broke down. She told him everything, while Theo screamed at her to shut up. All of the yelling made the rest of her family come outside and while Sully was usually one to keep the dark side of the club private, he shot Theo right there.

The stress and abuse from Theo caused Sophia to miscarry shortly after his funeral. No one admitted to what happened in the parking lot and Sully was never even a suspect. Losing the baby was hard on Sophia, but it was a blessing in disguise. She knew she would have held a lot of anger towards an innocent life. She went to therapy and worked hard to put herself back in to a good place. All of the events leading to Theo's demise did create a much stronger circle of protection arond her. Her father and brothers hardly letting a guy even look in her direction.

Now twenty-two and an office manager at Sullivan's, Sophia is out a lot on the weekends, at clubs and partying with her friends. She knows her brothers are usually close by or at least someone from the club near to keep an eye on her. She doesn't mind, she's just got better at being sneaky.
Sophia Rose Sullivan
Soph, Sophie, Baby Girl
birth date
3-2-96, 22
office manager @ Sullivan's
marital status
Midland, TX
Midland, TX
Sully & Carmen
four older brothers (Gannon, 1978; Declan, 1982, twin; Sean, 1990; Daniel, 1993), two older sisters (Cara, 1982, twin; Fionna, 1988)
curvy, athletic
scar on the inside of her leg from a burn the first time she rode alone, faint scarring on her stomach
right thigh, right shoulder, left side, right side
random facts
✚ Enjoys riding and has had her own bike since she was 16.
✚ Owns a black Beetle.
✚ Loves to shop
✚ Has three Doberman Pinschers, Lock, Shock and Barrel.
✚ Goes out dancing and clubbing on the weekends.
✚ Became an old lady when she was 18 because she was pregnant. Never got the Lady Reaper
✚ Lost her first baby to miscarriage
pb: Demi Rose ~journal. contact 3rd person, storybook, threads. ftb or adult scenes. est. © \