◦ Shayla Leigh ◦ 04-20-92 (24) ◦ Midland, TX ◦

Shayla Jones
Shay, Jonesie
birth date
podcaster, Filthy with Jonesie
marital status
Midland, TX
Boston, MA
Patricia Jones
George Jones
Steven (1986), Jeffrey (1989), Michael (1994) Britney (1996, deceased)
107 lbd.
dark brown
brown, wears green contacts
B on her left wrist

Patricia "Patty" Jones was the mother of five. Her husband left during her last pregnancy and unable to afford the rent of the high end Boston apartment, she was forced to move her children in the projects in Charlestown. Though the small town was just barely a skip away from the busy streets of Boston, it had been a drastic change for the family. Three of her children were in school and had to transfer to a school that was closer. The oldest three went to the Boys and Girls club after school, while the two youngest stayed in day care until Patty was able to get away from work. She worked a handful of jobs, sometimes she work a few different ones a day. When they didn't seem to even be making a dent in the bills, a neighbor and a new friend of Patty's pulled her aside and made her an offer. There were many dealings within Boston, maybe even more behind those bricks. Patty started out small. Dealing dime bags and selling stuff that had fallen off the truck. Slowly, she was able to get her debt back to a manageable place and she was ready to give up her walk on the wild side. Then the babies would need diapers. Her sons wanted to play football and baseball. She could see the bills stacking up once more.

Her friend introduced her to a man called Bucky. He offered a bigger game. A higher payout. Patty herself barely even drank and Bucky thought that made her the perfect dealer. She did well, old friends introduced her to new friends and her customer base expanded quickly. They had barely been living in Charlestown for a year, but Patty could see the light at the end of the tunnel. She was making enough money to get them out of there. The kids could have their own rooms. That was until she woke up to her daughter screaming. Patty rushed to the living room from her bedroom. Her five year old had found the baby half underneath the coffee table with a baggy in her tiny fist. Patty had forgotten to lock her stash up.

Shayla's first memory was her sister's funeral. Britney looked like a doll in the casket. Her mother looked more dead than she did. Shay had been forced to keep quiet about what she found. A few well places hundreds in the right hands and the coroner claimed the baby had been a victim of SIDs. Bucky had a hand in that. He couldn't lose his best dealer. He had bought Shay new toys, coming around to take her out for ice cream every day after school. She had tried telling her older brothers, but they wouldn't believe her. They loved Bucky. He took them to games all the time and practiced with them. Soon enough, Bucky was living with them and their apartment became a zoo. People were in and out every minute. The only one who seemed to notice Patty's quick decline was Shay. Even with the cover up, Patty was heavy with guilt. Britney had died because of her and the once clean woman start to taste her own product.

Life continued like that. Shay didn't understand how the cops never came around. How the neighbors kept quiet. As she got older, though, she realized that a good portion of the buyers were cops. They were their neighbors. She refused to invite her friends over. She didn't want them knowing what went on in the pace she called home. Bucky had some creep friends, too. Even before she hit puberty, they would grope her when they thought no one was looking. She had stopped trying to tell her brothers anything and instead, she took the abuse because she didn't know what else she was suppose to do. Everyone kept quiet. It was a sick code that the whole town seemed to live by. Even Shayla did. Every night, she cleaned up after her mother and made sure she got in to bed.

When she turned twelve, Shay finally got a break. She had convinced Patty to let her go away to a two week camp. She was excited, thrilled to get away from the people her brothers called family. She didn't think about her mother and having to clean up after her. She wouldn't miss Bucky's friends. She had a chance to be normal. For the first time she had been happy that Bucky took her shopping. She got all new summer clothes and a new sleeping bag. She felt like a different person when she got on the bus that would take her away from the city. It was Bucky who drove her to the Boys and Girls Club and saw her off. Her mother, well, they weren't too sure where she had disappeared to. Shay didn't see it as a big loss and she even hugged Bucky goodbye. After all, it had been who paid for the entire thing. She was starting think that maybe he wasn't that bad, if she pretended the drugs weren't in the picture.

It took two days for Shay to come out of her shell. She hadn't been homesick, it was an environment she hadn't been use to. Some of the kids had been going to the camp for a few years and it was her first time. Most of them were friendly and since six of them would be sharing a cabin, they didn't have much of a choice but to get along. Shay rode her first horse, went in a canoe. It was all new experiences. When it was announced that there were a few open spots for the following session, Shay called home, hoping to catch Bucky and ask him if she could stay. When she called, though, her older brother Steven answered. He told her she had to come home and Bucky would be driving up to get her, instead of taking the bus back. Shay threw a fit and hung up on him. She was angry and didn't understand what could be so important that she had to go home. Her camp counselor came in to try to console, but it didn't help.

Bucky had been quiet on the drive back, his hand resting on her knee the entire ride. He kept looking over at her as he drove, like he wanted to tell her something, but he never said a word. Not until the were walking up the stairs to the run down apartment in the hallway that smelled like piss and dope. He took her by the shoulders and told her that they had found Patty and wasn't good. He was going to take her to the hospital with her brothers to say goodbye. The news didn't quite register with Shay. She knew what he meant, she wasn't stupid. She knew it had to have been the drugs. She had witnessed many people overdosing, some right outside their door. It was rare for someone to OD on anything they got from Bucky, though. That had to mean her mother was finding another source.

The wake and funeral went by in a blur. I'm sorry, Poor things. Everyone said the same thing. The biggest news came from when Bucky admitted that him and Patty had married a while back, for business purposes. It meant Patty would be able to testify against him if it came down to it. It also meant Bucky had custody of them, unless their father reappeared, which was unlikely. While Shay, Jeffery and Michael preparing to go back to school, Steven was moving out, in to an apartment with some friends. Bucky had already been living with them for quite some time and there wasn't much of difference without Patty there. Life went on, whatever pain was there was soon forgotten. Patty had stopped being a mother to them a long time ago.

Shay was barely fifteen when she lost her virginity to Bucky. Her brothers were, Bucky had a few beers and then Shay came home drunk. Her and her friends had gone to a party thrown by some seniors. It was the first time she had drank and she was feeling nice. She liked Bucky putting his hands on her. At first, he hadn't meant it. A casual brush of his hand against her chest, a squeeze of her thigh. Shay had gotten in to his lap, rubbing her body against his and that had been too much for him to deny. He took her to bed and despite the alcohol in his system, things had been slow until she begged for more. They had spent the night tangle up in each other, on the bed he had once shared with her mother.

Their affair went on for years. So many times he had told her they had to stop, but those words came as he had her pinned against the wall or when his face was buried between her young thighs. It went on until she was seventeen. Steven, now twenty-three, had joined the Reaper charter in Boston and had been able to use resources to track down their father. He still frequently visited and even had his own key. The first time Shay laid eyes on her father in over ten years was while she was in Bucky's lap, her back against his chest and her legs spread as his body was slamming up in to hers, right on the living room couch. Steven had been the one to drag her off of him, landing a hard punch to Bucky's jaw in the process. Shay's clothes were thrown at her and both her brother and father ordered her to her room. Behind the closed door, she could hear yelling, loud bangs and things being broken. She didn't know what to do and she quickly got dressed, trying to make herself look half way decent. The time was going to come when that her door opened and she had to face the music.

The music never came, though. George came in and was oddly calm, even with the bloody knuckles. He explained where he had been. Things Patty never told them. He had been a lawyer for the Hell's Reapers and a few things had gone bad. Things that landed him in the prison. He had known the risk, though and had thought Patty would handle things. Hoped she would. Patty had still visited him, claiming she didn't want the kids to see him like that. He had never known about Brittney's death. Patty hid that from him. Her visits became few and far between, until they just stopped. Not knowing where he could find his family, he relocated three years ago when he got out. He wasn't able to practice law, but he worked as an advisor for the club, helping them out where he was able to. He wanted her to come back to Texas with him, to try to fix their family that Patty had stolen away from all of them. And now, away from Bucky.

It wasn't that easy, though. Days before she was set to leave for Texas, just before her Senior year, Shay found out she was pregnant. Bucky hadn't touched her since the day they were caught and had done a good job of avoiding her. She had to sneak in to the bathroom while he showered. Not only did she want to tell him, she wanted a proper goodbye before leaving. She had stripped off her clothes and joined him. He didn't protest and soon her had pressed against the wall, legs wrapped around his waist and was buried deep inside of her. It wasn't until he came that she blurted it out. She was pregnant and it was his, but she was still going to leave. She wanted to know her father and build a relationship with her brothers.

On Texas soil, far away from Bucky, Shay told her father. She didn't want to have an abortion, but she didn't want to keep the baby. She wanted his help in finding a good couple to adopt him or her, that would allow her to have some sort of involvement as the child grew. George was shocked by the news, but agreed to help her. While they settled in to a new house in Midland, their search began. Just as quickly though, she had lost the baby just a week shy of the second trimester.

Devestated, but relieved, Shay had too many mixed emotions over the miscarriage. She had started school late and quickly fell in to the wrong crowd. Her first class every day was spent sleeping off a hangover from the night before, unless she has decide to not even show up. Her reasons for moving were lost and what tiny pieces of a relationship she had with her family were slipping away. She dropped out on her eighteenth birthday, but stayed in George's house. Spring break was spent in Boston, wrapped up once more in Bucky's embrace. Steven had come to drag her home and as they left, police and a swat team had the building surrounded. Bucky was served with ten to twenty, no more, no less. Her brother had turned him in. Years of claiming loyalty to the man who was his a father to him for half a decade and Shay had ruined that.

Concerned for his daughter, George insisted she talk to someone, a counselor, a therapist. She had been subjected to a lot growing up, more than a child should have been. In a fit of rage, Shay stormed out and crashed on multiple couches until she started working for the Den. She threw herself in to her new job, between movies and having her own cam channel, Shay enjoyed it. She slept with multiple costars, men and women. She partied, traveling a lot for press releases and award shows. She kept going until she was almost twenty and then her manager and father forced her in to rehab after finding out she had moved beyond alcohol and on to drugs.

A week in detox and then six months in rehab, Shay was clean and sober, with a new perspective. She asked her father to come with her to face Bucky, wanting to close that chapter of her life and put it behind her. She knew now that it was wrong and even though she had consented, as the adult, he should have known better. The confrontation was rough. Bucky was confessing his love for her, promising he'd make it right when he got out, he would marry her and they'd have babies. With a clear mind and a clean conscience, Shay wished him the best and told him she wouldn't be coming to see him anymore. It was over between them. A week later, she recieved a phone call from his lawyer. Bucky had killed himself that night.

In her mid twenties, Shay has a better grasp on life. She's no longer working at the Den, though she left on good terms and every so often does appearances. She has her own podcast where she talks about everything under the sun. Her relationship with her father is strong and her brothers mean everything to her. She drinks on occasion, but won't take anything stronger than Tylenol.

A casual fling led to her getting pregnant and quickly, she was moving in with Stanis. When he had to go to Midland, Shay wasn't going to stay behind. Not an old lady, she was still attached to Stanis and didn't want him to miss anything in regards to their unborn son. It's an adjustment, but she's working on it.

Was told her father abandoned his family, but had gone to prison to protect the Boston Reapers

Found her eight month old baby sister dead on the living room, having swallowed cocaine in 1997

Hated living in Charlestown

Her mother overdosed in 2004

Has two older brothers and one younger brother, all three are Reapers in Midland

Has a B tattooed on left wrist for her sister

Lost her virginity to her stepfather when she was fifteen

She has been pregnant once, her stepfather's baby, but it ended in a miscarriage when she was seventeen

Worked at the Den for less than a handful of years

Her manager and her father forced her in to rehab and it was the best thing to happen to her

Bucky killed himself after she told him it was over

Dates from time to time, but doesn't feel she's ready to settle down

pb: Kendall Jenner ◦ est, third person, storybook, adult or ftb ◦ contact: journal©