◦ Landon James Casey◦ 10-28-88 (28) ◦ Midland, TX ◦

Landon Casey
Beast, Landon, LJ
birth date
marital status
committed, Kara
Midland, TX
Bree, IRE
Nadia Mikhail
James Casey
183 lbs.
dark brown

Landon Casey was born in Bree a few days before Halloween in 1988. Both of his parents, James and Nadia hadn’t been expecting a child to come in to their lives, but were both excited for the new arrival. The excitement faded quickly. Landon was colicky almost the moment they had taken him home until he was ten months old. Nadia thought James would leave her, blame for such an impossible baby. He didn’t, though. Instead, he introduced her to the old ladies of the motorcycle crew he was apart of. The helped Nadia the best they could and often offered to take the screaming child for a few hours a day and helped with laundry and meals. Nadia had been so happy to meet such amazing women.

Once the colic stopped, Landon was a rambunctious child. He was walking before he turned one and was getting in to every thing he could reach. Then he learned how to climb and there was no stopping in. Nadia and James would sometimes talk about having another, but Landon was almost too much to handle most of the time. The little boy held their attention and there was no telling what trouble he would get in to if their attentions were split. They settled on one child, hoping that eventually, someday, he would find some kind of inner peace and mellow out.

Growing up within the club had never seemed different to Landon. He didn’t know any other way of life. His mother never spoke of her own upbringing and his father rarely did as well. He didn’t know that there were people who didn’t like them. Not until he was eight and the club’s president was killed, followed by his father being voted in to the president’s seat. It was a dangerous life and anyone could be an enemy. Landon started paying a lot more attention toe everything after that. The last thing he wanted was to miss something that could result in his father being taken out.

Two years later, though, devastation hit their family. At least for Landon. Their parents divorced, Nadia unable to handle James sleeping with sweet butts and anyone else he wanted. Nadia wanted out of Bree and away from James. She packed their things, Landon fighting with her the whole time and they were going to Midland, Texas to stay with her family until they were able to afford a place of their own. Landon had heard his mother mention Texas and Russia before, but he didn’t think she actually had family there. At least not family she was close enough to. James pulled Landon aside before they left and told him to behave for his mother and he could come visit over Christmas. It didn’t feel like enough for Landon, but he knew better than to disrespect his father.

Texas was strange. He wasn't sure he liked it. He did, however, find out that he had a cousin barely two weeks older than him and they hit it off. They did butt heads, like most boys do, but Stanis made the big move almost bearable. With his help, Landon learned Russian and while it took him a little while, soon he was fluent. His mother wasn't too thrilled over that, mainly because now she had to watch what she said in front of him.

After getting in to trouble when he was fourteen, Landon was forced in to community service. He had to complete one hundred hours at the local animal shelter. After the first five hours, Landon didn't see it as much of a burden. He looked forward to completely his time there and even continues volunteering afterward. He didn't get in to much trouble after that. He ended up going to school for veterinary, something he remains proud of.

Between school, visiting his father and trying hard to please his mother, Landon became a prospect for the Reapers, following in his father's foot steps. Getting his patch was a proud day and his father had even made the trip, making sure his son celebrated properly.

Now, Landon makes house calls for animals and when needed, helps with club related injuries. He hopes to open his own vet clinic whenever they go back to Midland.

Owns a female Irish Wolfhound, Sally; a male Basset Hound, Kingsley; a female Australian Shepherd, Ginger and three Maine Coon cats, Trigger, Oliver and Weasel

Loves animals, all kinds.

His is equal parts Irish and Russian

He is fluent in three languages, Irish (Gaelic), Russian and English

Thoroughly enjoys grumbling in Russian with his cousin.

Has had multiple girlfriends

pb: Conor McGregor ◦ est, third person, storybook, adult or ftb ◦ contact: dropbox©