Clicky James Walsh
James Walsh is the product of an extremely happy marriage. Almost too happy. Drew and Angie fell in love when they were in diapers, married right out of high school and unlike most couples who marry so young, Drew and Angie were beyond happy. They waited two years after they said their I dos to have a baby and nine months later, James was born. A bouncing baby boy. He was a good baby. Rarely cried and all he ever wanted was to be held and adored by his parents. By the age of six, James had two sisters and two brothers. By the time the youngest was born, Angie said that was enough and both her and Drew have themselves "fixed". Growing up in such a large family was heaven for James. He was the oldest and that meant he was in charge. He took his brotherly duties serious. He protected his sisters, kept boys away from them. He defended his brothers if they were bullied. He had a knack for being a leader and taking control of any situation. Before he hit his teens, that was a good thing.

Once Jimmy hit high school, however, he was destined for trouble. The Walsh family left Oklahoma and moved to Colorado when Jimmy was thirteen. He fell in with a group of kids who stole lunch money, but always seemed to be looking out for the "little guy". His parents didn't like his new friends all that much, but Jimmy felt a sense of honor with them. He knew loyalty and turning his back on them wasn't an option. He respected his friends and while he loved his parents, the feeling of belonging was something he needed. Being a child of five, it was starting to feel suffocating. He needed an outlet.

When Jimmy turned sixteen, he bought his first motorcycle. His father referred to it as a trash heap due to the fact it only had the bare minimum. It was a classic, though. 1951 Vincent Black Lightning. It spoke to him the minute he saw it and he wasn't even sure what it was doing in the scrap yard. Sure, the bike had seen better days, but it wasn't a lost cause. With his father refusing to help, Jimmy needed to seek other alternatives. At the suggestions of a few of his friends, he headed to a garage owned by a man who was often referred to as Shifty. This man seemed to know everything and anything about bikes. He seemed a little choked up to see the Vincent and allowed Jimmy to hang around the shop, under the guidance of the other men working and let him fix up his bike. During the long two years it took Jimmy to fix up his bike, he learned a lot. Not just about motorcycles or cars. Loyalty and respect were strong among Shifty and his friends. Even when the bike was finished, Jimmy still stuck around.

After graduating high school, college wasn't even in the picture. He hung out at the garage and when he hit eighteen at the end of the summer after graduating, Jimmy really didn't do a whole lot with his life. His best friend, Abel, encouraged Jimmy to do something with his ability to create beautiful things. Painting wasn't exactly up his alley and instead, bought himself a tattoo gun. A lot of the guys at the shop let him practice on them. Even Abel offered up some skin. He wasn't the best right away, but he worked on it and then was given an apprenticeship at a local shop.

Things were going well. He worked his ass off at the tattoo shop, partied all night with his friends. He got in trouble a few times, but never really did hard time. Usually when he was in trouble, it was because he was black out drunk. He got in a lot of fights, Abel always there to back him up, until he wasn't. A fight went too far and Abel ended up getting killed. The guys pulled knives on them and when one blade was aimed for Jimmy, Abel jumped in front of him. He was stabbed in his lung and only lived for a few minutes after. He was gone before the ambluance came. Jimmy fell in to a hole, a hole that was made deeper when two women he had been sleeping with told him they were both pregnant. He didn't step up right away. It would take missing the birth of both of his children to bring him back to reality.

Portrayed by: Johnny Edlind
HEIGHT: 6'2"
BUILD: 205 lbs
HAIR COLOR: dirty blonde

GLASSES/CONTACTS: sometimes glasses
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: scars on his chest, some on his hands
TATTOOS:: chest, left arm, middle of back, below nape of neck, right calf, right bicep
Time served
Petty Theft, June, 2010
Possession for sale of a controlled substance, September, 2012
Petty Theft, April, 2013
Breaking & Entering, May, 2015
FULL NAME: James Andrew Walsh
NICKNAMES: Cowboy, Jimmy, Jim, Jimbo
DATE OF BIRTH: August 30, 1992, 25
OCCUPATION: tattoo artist @ Gothic Ink
PARENTS: Drew and Angela
SIBLINGS: Silas, Lyndsie, Brendan
CHILDREN: son, Abel (7-15-13), daughter, Adalyn (7-25-13)
Owned a 1951 Vincent Black Lightning, but it met a brick wall and that was the end of it.

Rides a 2013 H-D Sportster Iron 883.

The tattoo on his chest is for his best friend who died when they were eighteen.

While his father is supportive of most things his children do, his mother is against anything involving the club.

Smokes about a pack a day, sometimes more. Always says he's going to quit, but never manages it.

Despite his few run-ins with drug dealing, Jimmy has only ever smoked pot. He's never been on to alter his mind and body unless it's herbal or aclohol.

Enjoys a nice cold beer over a shot of hard alcohol. Beer goes down like water and despite the dry mouth the next day, beer is his best friend.

Jimmy is completely in love with Abel and Adalyn. He never wanted children, but believes his son and daughter were the greatest thing to ever happen to him .

Drew Walsh (OPEN, Father)
Angelina Walsh (OPEN, Mother)
Silas Walsh (OPEN, Brother)
Lindsie Walsh (sister, 29)
Brendan Walsh (OPEN, Brother, 23-24)
PB: Johnny Edlind | Credit: TESSISAMESS + PBCoding