Clicky Cordelia Claire

Cordelia is the sixth child born to Tyler and Olivia Moreo, her twin being born only minutes before. She was born in to a Reaper family, though her patched father died six months after the birth of his twin girls. Delia doesn't remember anything from those brief months, obviously. She does cherish the pictures she has of him, though. She knew her father loved her during that short time and she is a little jealous of her older siblings who were able to know him. Delia didn't grow up without a father, though. Olivia married Jacob less than two years after Tyler had died. Another thing Delia doesn't remember. Her youngest sister was born a few years after her and she vaguely remembers her older brother coming back around more. It was a bit of a dysfunctional family in a way, but as she got older, Delia wouldn't change it for the world.

Growing up, Delia still felt close to the club. Her brother was a patch and she learned early on that the club was family. The club was a way of life. She knew a lot of the Reaper kids and Delia would proudly tell anyone who would listen that her father was Tyler Moreo. She had stolen one of her father's extra patches and had sewn it on to her jacket and she moved it from one jacket to another as the year went on. If she could have, she would have taken his cut and worn that. She didn't have solid memories of her father and she tried to hold on to anything she could. His patch was just a small way she stayed connected to him.

School was okay for Delia. She didn't exactly knock the socks off of her teachers, but she did well enough. What she really liked was cheer leading. Her mother had signed her up at a young age and she continued doing it throughout high school. It was a fun way to stay active and in high school, it was very much a popularity contest that Delia excelled at. She was head cheerleader and prom queen. When she moved on to college, she joined the Midland College Spirit Squad.

Some of her friends were a bit envious of her life, mainly because of the involvement she had with the Reapers. A lot of the older patches were like uncles to her, some like brothers. She was close to the old ladies and even casually flirted with prospects as she got older. They were her very large and loud extended family. Even though her stepfather, Jacob, wasn't a member, most family outings were revolved on what the club would be doing for holidays.

Her relationship with her mother is touch and go. Sometimes they get along really well and sometimes they don't. Typical mother/daughter relationship. They get along a lot better now that she's out of the house and on her own. She does, however, refuse to give her mother a spare key and instead gave one to Cade. She trusted him to not be nosy and besides, he has his hands full with his own stuff.

Becoming an aunt to twin girls when she was fourteen was exciting. Ainsley and Isabelle were precious and Delia offered to babysit whenever it was needed. She helped out her new sister in law whenever Cade had runs or club business and while Delia didn't exactly like Jocelyn, she was Cade's wife and Delia felt like she had to make an effort to know the woman. She seemed like the type of woman she had heard other old ladies talk about. Needing a patch, clinging to him. Pathetic, in other words. Delia was silently pleased when they divorced, though heartbroken she had taken the girls.

A party when she was sixteen led to too much alcohol and being forced in to a room with two football players. Delia was too drunk, but clearly said no, over and over again. She screamed, kicked and did her best to get away from them. The bedroom door was kicked in and a boy she saw around town beat up both football players. Her best friend came in soon after, calming her down. Delia was only able to say thank you to the boy who helped her before he took off. She still sees him, but that night is never mentioned.

When it came time to deciding on what she wanted to do for college, Delia knew she didn't want to leave Midland. One of the coaches for the Midland College Spirit Squad spoke with her a few times and then she made her decision. She applied and got in, deciding to study Drama. She graduated recently and is now looking for work. For the time being in order to make rent, Delia is working as a waitress. The hours can suck, but the tips are great.

For the most part, Delia kept to herself, even while in school. She dated off and on, but never anything serious. She lost her virginity at eighteen, but it was horrible and she had decided to save herself, in ho9pes of getting a chance with Aedan Kennedy, the boy who had saved her at the party. It was ridiculous, but Delia developed a big crush on the Reaper. At the Everman welcoming party, though, Delia finally got up the courage to talk to him. The night ended in his room.

Portrayed by: Danielle Campbell
HEIGHT: 4'11"
BUILD: average, thin

DISTINGUISHING MARKS: birth mark behind her left ear
LIKES: ice cream, lolli pops, anything sweet, cuddling, yoga, photography
DISLIKES: liars, cheaters, spicy food, sweet bottoms
HABITS: pushing her hair behind her ears, laughing when she's nervous

Delia has often been described as bubbly and she is to a point. She has always done her best to look on the bright side. She loves with her entire heart and trusts very easily. Even separated, her family means everything to her.
FULL NAME: Cordelia Claire Moreo
NICKNAMES: Delia, Cord
DATE OF BIRTH: 08-12-1995

SEXUALITY: bisexual
OCCUPATION: waitress @ Venezia
PARENTS: Tyler Daniel Moreo (Father - Deceased), Olivia Grace Trancosa (Mother - 57) Jacob Lorenzo Trancosa (Step-Father - 62)
SIBLINGS: Caden Tyler Moreo (brother, 1978), Colby Moreo (Sister - 1982), Malia Anne Moreo (Sister - 1986), Vanessa Abigail Moreo (Sister - 1988), Lisa Giselle Moreo (twin sister - 1995), Rebecca Danielle Trancosa (Half-Sister - 2000)
The big brother

The older sister

The older sister

The older sister

The Crush


Is Drama major at Midland College

Owns a cat, Dodger and a dog, Joker

Enjoys dancing around her apartment in her underwear

Delia is still very much a girly girl

Is on the Midland College Spirit Squad

Has one tattoo, but wants more

Has had a crush on Aeden Kennedy since she was 16.

She's only had sex once and it was horrible. She decided to save herself for Aedan.

Journal | PB: Danielle Campbell| Credit: TESSISAMESS + PBCoding