Clicky Danielle Dalton

NAME: Danielle Jean (Dalton)
AGE & D.O.B.: 12-31-1989, 28
OCCUPATION: owner @ Chrysalis Salon
EDUCATION: high school, Salon Boutique Academy
MARITAL STATUS: Gannon's old lady, married (July 30, 2016)
ORIENTATION: undefined
PARENTS: Logan and Jean Dalton
SIBLINGS: Drave (brother, 1978, deceased), Donovan (brother, 1982), Dillon (brother, 1986), Dixie (sister, 1992), Devin (brother, 1994) Deidra (sister, 1996)
CHILDREN: Alexander Kane (6-8-15); Ryan Logan (8-3-17); daughter (6-7-18)
Height: 5'9"
Build: 125 lbs, slim and toned
Hair: brunette, blonde, changes a lot
Eyes: blue
Style: anything she's comfortable in
Defining marks: a few tattoos; one, two, three and a few others
Danielle Jean Dalton was born seconds away from the ball dropping on December 31, 1989 to Logan and Jean Dalton. She was the third child and first daughter to join the Dalton family. She was two weeks early, but came out a happy and healthy baby. Six months later, Jean was pregnant again and Dani would have a little sister.

With two boys and two girls, the Dalton family was complete. Neither Jean or Logan had a very large family, but Logan's involvement with Reapers made the family so much bigger. Dani and her siblings knew from an early age that blood didn't always mean family.

Jean had tried to get both of her daughters in to ballet and pageants, but Dani didn't have much of an interest. She did, however, enjoy helping Jean getting her sister prepared for recitals. At a young age, Dani could do her sister's hair better than her mother could -- something her sister enjoyed because Dani never brushed her little sister's too hard.

When Dani was five, the Dalton's moved to a bigger much house that had a lot of land. When Logan wasn't busy with the club, he was building a barn. In a few years, the Dalton farm was filled with horses, chickens, cows, sheep and numerous other animals. With the large farm came barn cats and eventually the family had a their own little petting zoo.

Still avoiding the classes her mother tried to sign her up for, Dani was interested in helping her father with farm. The horses were her favorite and she took equestrian lessons. While she had only planned on learning more, eventually it led to equestrian sports. They had four horses and Dani's favorite was Thunder. Thunder was an Arabian. He had a temper and Logan didn't want Dani near him until he was trained properly. Like most young girls, Dani didn't listen. While Logan was on runs, Dani would take out Thunder. She fell off a few times, but always got back on. Eventually, she was caught when Thunder threw her off and she broke her leg.

Dani had to take a break from riding for a few months and avoided the disapproving looks from her father. She still hobbled down to the barn to visit Thunder, attempting to build trust with the horse. She still wasn't going to give up. A broke leg was nothing to her. The day after her cast was off, Dani was back on Thunder and this time, he didn't knock her off. Logan watched, jaw tight and fists clenched. After that day, Dani didn't have to hide her private lessons with Thunder.

When she was sixteen, Dani and her siblings were dismissed from school by an older patch. It wasn't uncommon for that to happen, but with the club on week long run, it didn't make sense. They were brought to the hospital where there mother was waiting for them. Logan had been shot and was in surgery. It was hours until the doctor came out to speak to Jean. Logan had been shot in the chest and the knee. The bullet in his chest luckily missed his heart by inches, but the bullet in his knee shattered his knee cap. His days of wearing a cut and riding as President with the Reapers were over.

After the accident, Logan closed himself to his family. He wasn't stripped of his cut, but he was forced to retire. The damage to his knee made it impossible for him to ride. Even driving a car was difficult. After a fight with Jean and his oldest son, Logan snapped out of it. He pulled himself out of his hole and rejoined his family.

Without her father constantly on her to be on her best behavior, Dani stretched her legs and tested her limits. She continued to ride and help her sister with hair and make up, but with high school, Dani wanted to do her own thing. She knew a lot of upperclassmen thanks to the club and growing up with them, helping her get in to parties. She didn't cause too much trouble, but her junior year, she attempted sneak out and when a barn cat jumped on to the hood of her car, Dani panicked. Instead of the brake, she hit the gas and the car went right in to the garage door. Her entire family ran outside and Dani was grounded for a month after that. She also wasn't allowed to borrow her parents car until she paid to get hers fixed.

Still in high school, Dani couldn't really get a good job. She did a few odd jobs until landing one at the Chrysalis Salon as a shampoo girl. It wasn't much, but she eventually got the owner to let her offer her services to customers for a cut. She worked under the table, out of the salon and within four months, Dani earned enough money to have her car fixed and pay her parents back for the damage done to the garage. Dani had to stay out of trouble after that. She went to school, helped out with animals and took her father to physical therapy. She was aiming to going to school for cosmetology and if that meant behaving and pleasing her parents, she would do it.

After graduating, Dani moved to Addison. She got in to the Salon Boutique Academy. Being away from home wasn't easy, but she visited often. At the same time, though, Dani loved her new independence. She had an apartment that she shared with two other girls from school and she was learning so much more about hair and nails and everything.

When it came time to move home, Dani looked for an apartment. While her parents offered her a room, she was used to being on her own. She only had to stay with them for a few weeks and then moved in to her very first single bedroom apartment in downtown Midland. She took a job at Chrysalis Salon again, but this time it was as a stylist.

Being back home wasn't too bad. She became more involved with the club, attending club parties and even going to rallies. She wasn't sure when she started looking at the oldest Sullivan in a different light, but something changed after she got home. She was sure he'd see her as little sister, not wanting anything to do with her, but she tried. She watched the other old ladies, learning more and seeing if it was something she could handle. Being apart of the club in such a way had never crossed her mind before. After a few months of flirting and showing that she was interest, Dani laid it all out for him. She told him she liked him, wanted him to take her out. She didn't see the harm in one date. One date led to more and soon, Dani was head over heels for the Sullivan son. While he had himself convinced it was just sex, Dani made it clear that if he was sleeping with her, he wasn't sleeping with anyone else.

In the Summer of 2014, after two years of dating, Dani became Gannon's old lady. Almost right after, Dani was pregnant with their first son, Alexander Kane born on June 8, 2015. Like G, Dani had never thought too seriously about children, but after having Alex, she couldn't wait to have more. Ryan Logan was born on August 3, 2017 and Dani is ready to have another.

Dani continues to struggle with finding balance in her life. Between family, Gannon, work and the club, she always has a lot going on. She goes to her mother for advice often, but is starting to seek her words of wisdom less and less. She is respected and sometimes feared. She won't listen to nonsense and speaks her mind.
Owns a Husky named Zeus

Has a horse that stays at her parents farm named Phyllis and a new addition, Emerald

Often changes her hair color and style

Lived in Midland her entire life.

Attended Salon Boutique Academy in Addison, TX

Her father was the first Reaper President and one of the founders but retired after a knee injury prevented him from riding

Both of her brothers are patches

Doesn't own a motorcycle, but enjoys riding when she gets the chance

Drives a black 2011 Land Rover Range Rover Sport

Her first car was a Honda Civic, that she crashed in to the garage door of her parents home Junior year

Enjoys thunderstorms and swimming in the rain

Knows how to cook, but often opts for take out.

Often goes to the shooting range with her father

Isn't a daddy's girl, but she is close to her father

Loves her brothers and sister endlessly

Enjoys spending time with he eldest brother

Doesn't always see eye to eye with her mother, her father says it's because they're identical

Thunder died before she graduated high school and Dani was devastated

Loves strawberries, but doesn't usually prefer strawberry flavored candies or drinks. Fresh strawberries are always the best.

Has no animal allergies, but flowers are terrible and make her sneeze endlessly.

Enjoys her work at the salon, but also enjoys doing her own thing outside of it, including being the go to stylist for weddings.

ooc timezone: EST
etc: third person, storybook, threads, AIM, mature scenes or fade to black
journal: Here & danijeannotmylover
PB: Jennifer Lawrence
credit: @pbcoding