◦ Chris Callaghan ◦ 02-02-87 (30) ◦ Texas ◦

Christopher David Callaghan
Chris, C,
birth date
owner @ The 44 Club
marital status
Midland, Tx
Concord, NH
Fiona Callaghan
Tim O'Malley
David (1992)
William "Billy" David (1-9-2006), Kevin Michael (11-27-2013)
245 lbs.
From a young age, Christopher Callaghan hated his father. No matter how hard he tries, though, he can't p in point the moment that made him fear and hate him. Chris can't remember happy moments from his childhood. Unless they involved his younger brother, David. His parents fought. His mother, Fiona, had tried to leave Tim multiple times, but she kept going back to him. Chris always wondered why. He didn't understand why his mommy would stay with the mean man and drag her sons down with her. The fighting and abuse went on for years. As Chris grew, he tried to take the beatings to protect his mother and David. When Tim lashed out, it was Chris who received the brunt of the abuse. Tim was smart. He never left marks where they would be visible. Teachers never suspected anything and their trailer was far enough away from their neighbors that no one heard the screaming or crying.

Not long after his thirteenth birthday, Chris and David came home to cop cars and an ambulance outside of the trailer, just as a body was being brought out. Their father ran towards them, tears in his eyes, telling them he came home to their mother on the floor. His grieve was false and Chris knew it. He was smart enough to know to play along. Tim made a show of his mourning for months. During that time, the fighting had stopped and Chris thought that maybe things would get better. Losing Fiona was devastating, but something good could come of it. David was more social in school, having sleep overs and even bringing friends home sometimes. Chris was loosening up and his scars were healing.

Peace and quiet only last ten months. Tim came home high as a kite and drunk. David left his bowl in the sink and Tim wanted to let him have it. Chris wasn't fast enough and for the first time in his life, David was on the receiving end. It didn't end there. Tim gave no apologies. The boys walked on eggshells around their father when he managed to come home. When Chris was fifteen, he was working for a local dealer, hoping to save enough money to get him and David away from Tim. He got busted a few times by Reapers, not cops. Reapers telling him he had no business selling drugs, he needed to focus on school. He couldn't tell them his reasons and instead, Chris just tried to avoid Reaper hangouts.

Chris was ready to take off when Tim announced he was getting married. The trailer was sold and they were all moving in with his future wife and her niece. That changed Chris' plans. He was sixteen and now he was trapped staying with his dick of a father. He couldn't let him get away with it all over again. He helped David pack his things, promising that someday, they would get out. He'd protect him. He had been doing it for so long, it was second nature for Chris. Still not knowing what really happened to his mother, Chris wasn't going to let history repeat itself.

Chris wasn't a fan of his step-mother. He did like Anna, though. She was a few years younger and he hated not being able to tell her about Tim's true nature. It was bad enough that Tim was starting to creep on her. Chris did what he could to protect Anna without having to tell her the truth. She was a smart girl, though. Eventually, it came out, but her aunt made excuses. History continued to repeat itself and Chris didn't know what to do anymore. He couldn't continue to cover for his father and when the day came that made him free, Chris felt lighter.

It was time for Chris to figure out who he was. He knew he was nothing like his father and had no desire to even remotely follow in the man's footsteps. He met an older guy, a Reaper, who took an interest in helping the younger man out. That was how Chris became involved with the Reapers. He was no fool. He knew who they were, he had grown up in Midland, but he had been so consumed in family drama that he never really took the time to learn more. He was a little afraid that some of them would recognize him from selling on the streets. That was quickly changing and the more he got to know the members of the Hell's Reapers, Chris knew, without a doubt, that he wanted to join. He would do anything – and he did – to prove himself to the officers and the patches. By his nineteenth birthday, Chris wore the prospect cut and he couldn't have been happier.

Not long after getting his cut, Chris met a woman who was two years younger. Samantha was just about everything A twenty year old patch could want. She was gorgeous, had an amazing body. They had barely known each other for six months before tying the knot and a second later, she was pregnant. Nothing perfect lasts, though. After his twenty-seventh birthday, Samantha's doctors found a brain tumor. It was far too large to even attempt surgery. Instead of spending the last few weeks of her life in a hospital, Chris brought her and the kids back to her parents home in Napa. Chris did everything he could to make her comfortable, to fulfill any final desire that she had. After three months of suffering, Samantha died on July 29, 2014.

Chris iss now a widower with two kids, both under the age of five. He didn't have much family to speak of. David and Anna. He had the club. After arguing with Samantha's parents over taking the kids back to Texas, Chris refused to budge. Midland was their home and that was where they would stay. A year later, they were moving to Texas to be closer to their grandchildren, and to Chris. It isn't exactly easily meeting new women with his dead wife's parents so close, but he does what he can and doesn't bring any women around his kids, unless they're apart of the club.

Legally changed his last name of his mother's maiden name when he was twenty

Has no tattoos and doesn't plan on getting any because his mother didn't like them

Still looks out for his younger brother

His wife Samantha died from a brain tumor in 2014

Adores his sons, Billy and Kevin

pb: Brock O'Hurn ◦ est, third person, storybook, adult or ftb ◦ contact: dropbox©