Isabella Vega was, at one point in her life, an innocent, impressionable girl from Mesa, Arizona. That lasted until she was sixteen and met a man wearing a leather cut who was far older than she was. She followed him from Mesa to Nevada, getting a fake ID and working at a strip club. It wasn't what she wanted to do, but Nate had insisted she find a way to bring in money, any way she was able. With the body she had and years of dance and ballet, the young woman didn't have many talents. Nate enjoyed watching her dance on stage and for other men. It didn't take Nate long to start setting up private dances, ones that brought in much more money for them. Not knowing any better, Isabella didn't argue. She danced for them in their run down, one bedroom apartment, their homes and offices for months, up until her belly started to bulge and a nice nurse at the local clinic told her that she was pregnant.

Foolish and naive, Isabella thought Nate would be excited just as much as she was. When she told him, things were thrown and Nate left her with a black eye and an apartment that was three months behind on rent. Unsure of what to do now that she was fired from her job, Isabella left Nevada for Phoenix, going to stay with an aunt who had promised to not call her parents until she was ready. Even while she prepared to welcome a baby boy in to the world, Isabella continued to search for Nate. Despite the way he had left her, Isabella still held on to some kind of fantasy that they would raise a family together.

Three weeks early, Cain Christopher Vega was born on January 15, 1988. Underweight and too small, Cain spent two weeks in the hospital. During that time, Isabella had managed to finally find Nate. The man had no desire to see his son, but instead, offered to take Isabella away from the life of being a single mother. Leaving Cain in the care of her aunt, Isabella left her infant son and followed her heart. She had wanted to take Cain with them, but Nate refused to wait around for the baby to get his weight up and didn't want a baby tying them down.

Lisa Vega was disappointed in her niece, but didn't want to see her great-nephew end up in foster care or adopted by another family. She took him in to her care and was very much the doting mother he deserved. Having no children of her own, Cain was almost a blessing. If it hadn't been for how he came to her, Lisa would have been over the moon, but she had hoped Isabella would have seen the error of her ways. She did come back to Phoenix for Cain's first Christmas, but she left on the back of Nate's bike the next day, with promises of phone calls and more visits. Her next visit would be a few years later, with a bundle of pink in her arms. Another baby fathered by Nate, another one he didn't want.

This time, Isabella stuck around around for both Cain and Hazel. Lisa showed her how to care for a baby and a little boy, but the barely twenty year old didn't want much to do with her children. Her heart was still with Nate and there were many weekends where she would disappear to be with him, even if Nate still had no desire to change his ways and settle down with her or even see his children. All of those visits would bring Cain two more siblings, Carissa and then Gino. By the time Gino was born, Cain was nine and wanted nothing to do with his mother. While his younger siblings tried to bask in what little attention Isabella gave them, Cain avoided her and preferred to spend time with his Aunt Lisa. She was his mother in his eyes. There were a few times that Nate did come to visit, met his children, but Cain stayed away from the man and didn't want to know one thing about him.

When Cain was fourteen, Lisa made the decision to move to Colorado. Isabella tried to fight her on it, but considering Lisa was the supporter of the family and had custody of all four of Lisa's children, there wasn't much of an argument. On the day of the move, Isabella took off with Nate once more. While the makeshift family settled in a new city and a new state, Isabella was back in Las Vegas with Nate. Cain's siblings were starting to see how sad and pathetic their mother really was and started to lean on Lisa for the love and support they needed.

While in Denver, motorcycles and trouble took up a big part of Cain's life. While he knew his sperm donor rode, the man wasn't apart of the club life and that was the only thing that didn't stop Cain from taking up interest in the Savage Kings. Had Nate actually been involved in the club, Cain would have taken a different in life. Instead, he jumped in head first, hanging out with the Savage kids and learning everything he could. The life of a biker was intriguing to him and as soon as he was old enough, Cain put on that prospect cut and never looked back.

Life as a King was everything he had wanted and more. His aunt wasn't too thrilled because of the dangers and the rumors around the community they lived in, but she was happy Cain had finally found his place, found himself. She continued to support him in any way that she could. When Nate and Isabella reappeared in 2008, Lisa was the one to bail Cain out of jail after her beat up Nate and put the man in the hospital. Nate had attempted to get to know the children he hadn't wanted, claiming now that they were grown, life would be easier.

His parents stayed in Denver after that, but Cain avoided them at all costs. He couldn't even look at his mother and Nate would never be a father to him. He kept his focus on the club, his aunt and his siblings. He moved up in the club, becoming a trusted member until the president took him under his wing and started to mold him in to the perfect candidate for the next president. Cain had expected that to happen farther down the road, but in 2017, Cole Turner announced his retirement and officially nominated Cain as his successor. With no one doubting Cain's ability to take Cole's seat, the voting was unanimous and no one else put their name in. At the age of thirty, Cain became the Savage King's president.

Even while Cole had prepared Cain as much as he could, there were still things that would come up that Cain would be on his own for. With his family and with the club. His siblings and him fought a lot, mainly over keeping their parents so involved in their lives. The club was met with some difficulties, but Cain kept them under the radar, making sure all dealings were well hidden from local and state police. His Aunt Lisa died in October of 2017 and Cain is now determined to get his parents out of his life.

Portrayed by: Ricki Hall
HEIGHT: 6'0"
WEIGHT: 215 lbs
HAIR: brown, dark blond
EYES: brown

NERVOUS HABITS: tugging on his hair,
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: tattoos, scars on his hands, a large one on his right hand above his knuckles
TATTOOS: multiple
LIKES: motorcycles, women, tattoos, pepperoni hot pockets, oranges
DISLIKES: over confident people, women who play games, dress shoes, vanilla scented anything, pumpkin spice anything
HABITS: tugging on his beard, pulling his hair
NAME: Cain Christopher Vega
AGE: 01-15-1988, 30

SEXUALITY: heterosexual

OCCUPATION: contractor
PARENTS: Nate Flynn, Isabella Vega - Lisa Vega (aunt, deceased)
SIBLINGS: 2 younger brothers (Neil, 1993 & Gino, 1997), two younger sisters (Hazel, 1991 & Carissa, 1995

Became a prospect for the Savage Kings, Denver charter when he was 18
Became a full patch in 2006
He put his father in the hospital when he was twenty.
Earned his president patch in 2017 when the previous president retired
His relationship with his mother is rocky, to say the least

journal, Niel Vega
● younger brother
journal, Gino Vega
● brother younger
journal, Hazel Vega
● younger sister
journal, Carissa Vega
● younger sister
journal, NAME
● details
journal, NAME
● details
journal, NAME
● details
journal, NAME
● details
PB: Ricki Hall | ccvega | OOC contact | IC contact | game | Credit: TESSISAMESS + PBCoding