◦ Ashtyn Colleen Addison ◦ 06-21-1992 (24) ◦ Midland, TX ◦

Ashtyn Colleen Addison
Ash, Addi, Dallas (Curves)
birth date
marital status
Midland, TX
Midland, TX
Nora Addison
David Addison (deceased)
DJ (1986), Ericka (1988), Helen (1990)
123 lbs.
dirty blonde
right shoulder, left hand, Lady Reaper

Ashtyn Colleen came screaming in to the world on June 29, 1990, at a whopping 10 pounds, two ounces and twenty-three inches. She had stayed in the comfort of her mother's womb for almost three extra weeks. She was the largest of the Addison children. Nora and David already had two girls and a boy, then decided three girls and one boy was more than enough for them to handle. That never stopped David from wanting just one more boy. He attempted to turn his sweet little girls in to tomboys. Despite Nora's best efforts to keep their daughters in dresses and pigtails, David lured Ashtyn to the dark side. She was always following -brother- around and hanging out with his friends. By the age of ten, she could throw the best fast ball and enjoyed getting her hands dirty. Like many of the locals in the area, surfing became Ashtyn's number one priority, followed closely by baseball.

Much to David's disappointment, Ash eventually grew out of her tomboy ways. She traded in her baseball glove for nail polish and her surf board for high heels. There were times when she would join her father in a game of catch, but once she hit high school, Ash felt the need to go shopping with her friends and flirt with boys. She was still daddy's little girl, but she had much more than sports on her mind. She knew it broke her father's heart, but she couldn't help herself. It made Nora very happy to see her daughter in dresses and wearing make up, following her older sisters around and letting her older brother's friends flirt with her.

One weekend, in Ash's Junior year, she was playing ball with her family in the backyard. It was a rare occasion for all of the Addison to be home at the same time. David, who hadn't been feeling too well, put on a brave face and laughed along with his children. Before heading inside for dinner, however, David was gripping his chest before falling on the walkway leading to the backdoor. The ambulance was called, but it was too late. David had died of a massive heart attack, leaving his family to grieve and mourn the loss of their patriarch. Nora was devastated. David had been the love of her life, her rock. All four of the Addison children took a month off from school, none of them able to face reality. They kept up with their school work during their absence, but once they went back, it was hard to get back in to the swing of things. Ash moved through school slowly, barely talking to her friends. It wasn't until the summer that she started to come back out of her shell. She started to attend dance classes as a way to get her mind off of things. It was hard at first, but Ash enjoyed the challenge. It was something she hadn't attempted before.

By the end of high school, Ash spent more time dancing and partying than anything else. She felt alienated from her family as they all slowly moved away. The friends she had made at her classes were always putting on small shows for their friends and using fake IDs to get in to clubs. She didn't want to go to school for dance, instead she kept taking different classes and eventually, found her away in to a burlesque club. It was different and at first, Ash wasn't sure if it was for her, but the costumes won her over. The Christmas before her nineteenth birthday, Ash became a burlesque dancer and has been doing it ever since. A few years later, Curves became more of a strip club and Ash enjoyed it that much more. She had no problem taking her clothes off and had been doing it for years. She had met a great deal of Reapers during her time at Curves. She found a new kind of family in the club and she knew what was called. A sweet butt. She didn't care. She enjoyed the patches she spent time with and like them, she wasn't looking to be strapped down.

Has a slight obsession with Peter Pan

Often wears wigs when performing

Can quote most Disney movies

Loves to dance

Her favorite part of Curves is the costumes

Had a miscarriage caused by her birth control. There were 3 possible fathers and she still doesn't know for sure.

Left Curves after having to take a lot of time for for multiple reasons. Injured during the explosion at a lock down, the miscarriage, a stalker

pb: Hunter King ◦ est, third person, storybook, adult or ftb ◦ contact: dropbox©