Amelia Elizabeth was born on a hot July day, six weeks early. Alisa always told Amelia that she just couldn't miss out on anything else. She needed to see the world and know every single thing that was going on. That never changed. From birth, Amelia King was a nosy little girl and that was always getting her in to trouble. Amelia summed it up to worries. She wanted to make sure her big brother wasn't getting in trouble or trying to trick her in to putting her Barbies in to the dishwasher again. She just needed to know.

Growing up, she was labeled a tattle tale. She told on the other kids, but it wasn't to get them in to trouble. It was only to make conversation with anyone who would listen. That was all she really wanted, was someone to listen to her. She didn't lack attention at home, but she had a deep desire to be friends with everyone. It would take her until middle school to realize tattling wasn't the best way to make friends, but gossiping seemed to help. With her nosy nature and friendly demeanor, it made it easy for Amelia to dig up dirt on almost all of her classmates. Not everyone was so thrilled over her learning their deepest, darkest secrets and then blabbing them to the rest of the school. It led to a lot of fights, the first few Amelia had lost.

Losing fights didn't sit well with her. She convinced her parents to sign her up for boxing classes. Convincing her father had been a lot easier than her mother. Mikey Perna was a Reaper and fighting was natural. The logical thing for Amelia to do would have been to stop gossiping so much, but that just wasn't an option for her. Eventually, though, boxing became a high priority for her and she barely had the time to keep up with the newest things happening in school. It didn't matter anymore. Boxing quieted her busy body needs and she finally had a focus that wouldn't get her in to trouble.

There were still a few girls in school who she had pissed off and didn't get their chance at payback. When that day came, Amelia wasn't weak anymore and she knew how to fight. She had finally won, but at the expense of being suspended. Two weeks of school missed and when Amelia went back, things felt different. She started to make real friends and not because she was sharing secrets or even because she was feared. The last few years of high school were filled with laughs, parties and true friends.

The parties didn't stop after graduation. Amelia started school at Midland College. Lia and a few friends rented a house near campus. The weekends were a constant party and during the week they focused on their classes. They were typical college students and she enjoyed every minute of it. She still managed to fit it boxing in to her busy schedule and then the day came when going to the shooting range was added. Guns held a power that she hadn't expected and while Amelia would never abuse the right to carry a weapon, it made her feel safe in a world that was becoming more threatening. Again, her father had been all for her learning how to shoot, while her mother wasn't.

Once college was over, Amelia was a bit disappointed. She had enjoyed being in school and it was rough facing the real world. She had debated going back for another degree, but decided against it. She didn't need school to party. With the help of her father, she bought out Curves and the lucractive strip club helped her buy her own home.

portrayed by: Alysha Nett
height: 5'4"
build: thin
hair color: naturally, dirty blonde, normaly, blonde
eye color: blue

glasses/contacts: both
smoker: pot only
nervous habits: hair twirling, tapping fingers, teeth grinding, rush speech
distinguishing marks: tattoos
tattoos: plenty
Likes: puzzles, lego sets, hair, yoga, boxing, zumba, motorcycles
dislikes: crotch rockets, sneakers, clothes, nail biters
full name: Amelia Elizabeth King
nicknames: Lia
date of birth: 07-15-1992
place of birth: Midland, TX

marital Status: single
sexuality: open
occupation: owner @ Curves
current Residence: Midland, TX
parents: Michael Perna & Alisa King
siblings: old brother, 88-90
children: none
Her parents never married and were never officially together until Mikey retired.
Despite having a roommate, Lia is often nude in their apartment.
Has numerous tattoos and plans on getting more.
She doesn't own a car. She has a motorcycle her father helped her purchase.
Her brother is a pain in her ass and vice versa
Dates on and off, but nothing ever serious
She's a pretty heavy pot smoker, but doesn't smoke cigarettes

Michael "Mikey" Perna, father, retired Road Captain (Midland)
Alisa King, mother
OPEN King, brother, Reaper

PB: Alysha Nett | Credit: TESSISAMESS + PBCoding