
baby when you're done, you gotta be the first to run
Kurt met Melissa shortly after high school at a college party. The pair didn't exactly hit it off, but after a couple of dates and long nights together, Melissa learned she was pregnant. Both coming from respected families, they were married quickly and while Kurt stayed in school, Melissa was forced to be a dutiful housewife. Their first child, a daughter, was born in 1984 and even though Melissa wasn't sure if she was in love with him, their first was followed by a second, a third and finally a fourth. Abigail Anne was the last child born. She continued to let herself get pregnant to hide behind the problems in her marriage. Kurt worked a lot of long hours and often wasn't home on the weekends. It had been a miracle she had managed to get pregnant three times after their first. Melissa knew there was more to him working so much. Secret phone calls, credit cards being maxed out even though there hadn't been any purchases that Melissa was aware of. Kurt was having an affair and Melissa was getting tired of ignoring it.

Abi and her siblings didn't know about their parents problems. They were kept happy, had everything they wanted and needed. Abi received a great deal of attention, but was still expected to follow in her siblings' footsteps. All of the Gellar children were expected to make good grades, participate in all school activities and be upstanding citizens while their father ran for town mayor. Kurt was on the path set by his parents and grandparents. Like his father before him and his father before him, Kurt was destined to be town mayor of Midland. Only unlike the men in his family, Kurt had no sense of loyalty and his affairs would soon catch up with him.

When Abi was four, Kurt was going on his third year as town mayor. He was loved by the residents who were against the club, because Kurt always said he'd rid the town of the Reapers by his fifth year in that position. Though, on the side, his campaigns were funded by the Reapers. Kurt kept the connection open between the Reapers and the sheriff, helping make some things disappear and the club helped fund the public schools, as well as many other town owned businesses. When an affair with an office assistant came to light, everything was revealed. His reputation was ruined and so was his marriage. Thankfully, no one put any blame on Melissa or the children. Kurt left town and was never heard from again. His cousin, stepped up and took the position, attempting to restore the family name.

Melissa and her children were left to clean up the pieces that Kurt left behind. She divorced him quickly and changed all of her children's names to her maiden name, Adams. She wanted to have distance between the man and her family. The money she got in the divorce, as well as the sale of their house went to buying a new one, still within Midland. Melissa had a good support system of friends and some family. She wasn't sad that her marriage was over. In fact, she couldn't have been happier. Two years later, she met someone else and they were soon married, then had twins together a few years later. Abi and her siblings didn't mind their stepfather, Joe and the new additions he brought with him. That union also brought the Walker children closer to the club.

Aside from the black spot on her life that was her father, Abi didn't have much to complain about. By the time she was seven, she was attending Reaper functions and referring to Joe as Dad. School was alright and she started doing better without the added pressure from her father. Her two older sisters had graduated and had moved away for college. Her brothers was hoping to become a prospect when he turned eighteen. Abi was content to go to school and attend dance classes at Midland Dance. She was fairly easy going and never demanded much from her mother.

When school ended, Abi left her parents' house and got an apartment. It wasn't anything fancy, but Abi liked being on her own and she knew it was a bit easier on her mother to only have to worry about the twins. She had a few odd jobs before auditioning at Curves and once she was hired, kept it from her family for nearly six months, until her brothers showed up there on a night she was working. She continued to work there, but is sure to give her brothers her schedule to avoid them seeing her on stage.

Abi met a lot of men through Curves and through the club. She didn't sleep with patches, but she had dated a few in the past. It had never turned in to anything serious. When Ronan started coming in to to Curves more and more, Abi threw out her rules and gave in to the Reaper. She blames his eyes, they always made her weak. Even when things took off between them, Abi felt like he was hiding something from her. There were plenty of arguments between them, Abi accusing him of cheating, but she never had any proof. When she ended up pregnant about eight months in to their relationship, it wasn't exactly a fairy tale. She continued to suspect he was cheating. After Ryder Dylan Murphy was born on December 6, 2016, Abi and Ronan finally called it quits.

Ryder was perfect, even if he shared half of Ronan's DNA. Abi took a few months off from working at Curves and spent the time adjusting to the life of a single mother. As much as she wanted to push Ronan out of her life, she couldn't do that to Ryder. Ronan loved the little boy as much as she did and she couldn't be that spiteful. She knows now that she caused the majority of their fights, but she can't change it now. Ronan was too closed off and he never opened up enough for them to work things out. She misses him and the good times they had together. She fights with her emotions every time she sees him.

Birth Name Abigail Anne (Walker) Murphy
AKA Abi, Abs, Walker
Occupationdancer @ Curves
Date of Birth & Age 08-28-1994, 23
Hometown Midland, TX
Family Melissa Walker (mother), Joseph Walker (stepfather), one older sister (1984), two older brothers (1987 & 1990), one younger brother, one younger sister (youngest are twins 2001), Ryder Murphy (son)
Marital Status married, old lady
Sexual Orientation bisexual
+ Started dancing at Curves when she turned eighteen. She went on leave while pregnant with Ryder and returned in May 2017.

+ Her father was the town mayor for a few years, but most people have forgot about it. She briefly had her mother's maiden name before changing it to Walker, her step father's last name.

+ Her youngest siblings are teenagers and Abi enjoys spending time with them.

+ Her mother remarried roughly two years after the divorce.

+ Her stepfather is a Reaper.

+ Enjoys having fun and doesn't like to be tied down. Her only responsibility is her job.

+ Often sings when she's performing. She loves singing even more than she loves dancing.

+ Her son, Ryder, is the perfect mixture of Abi and Ronan. He completely changed Abi's life and she couldn't imagine what it would be like without him.

+ Has a habit of drunk texting Ronan on the rare occasion that she drinks.

+ Even though Ryder has Ronan's last name, Abi uses her last name for him.

+ Her family is her weakness.
pb: Cassie Steele
journal: abianne
contact: ooc

preferences: third person, storybook, FTB or NC-17
credit: Main code by amos